
White Wine Vinegar Salad Dressing

Making your own salad dressing is simple and gives you the confidence of knowing exactly what ingredients have been used. This White Wine Vinegar Salad Dressing is one of my three go to salad dressings which make all of my salads so tasty and also enable us to absorb those essential fat soluble vitamins A, D, E and K. Once you have some basic store cupboard items, you can literally make up a dressing in jig time, which will also last a few weeks and save you time.

Homemade White Wine Vinegar Salad Dressing


  • 60ml Cold Pressed Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • 15ml White Wine Vinegar
  • ¼ lime juice
  • ¼ Large clove of garlic crushed
  • ½ tsp honey
  • Chopped Parsley
  • Season


  • Place all ingredients in a bowl or jar and mix well
  • Taste and adjust ingredients to suit your own preferences
  • Pour into a clean glass oil bottle or jar
  • Store in a dark cupboard out of sunlight

Once you start making your own dressings you will enjoy your salads so much more and keep an eye out for other vinegars in good whole food shops. Test out different combinations and discover what you like. As with everything, good ingredients are key and you are worth it! Even a tablespoon of these healthy ingredients will boost the nutrient content of your meal.

Lyn Sharkey Nutrition
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