Print – The Baby Wait: Lessons Learned While Trying to Become a Mum by Lyn Sharkey


For many of us, our fertility is something we take for granted until we face difficulties conceiving. Lyn had always dreamed of having a baby and it had never occurred to her that she would have a problem conceiving. However, she and her husband faced years of fertility challenges. Along their journey, Lyn learned many lessons which changed her perspective about health and life in general. The Baby Wait is Lyn’s way to empathise with others who may be feeling isolated through their own struggle, and pass on the information and life lessons she wished she had known earlier, in the hope that it will save other couple’s some precious time.

Print: 978 1 7699108 0 8
eBook: 978 1 7699108 1 5

eBook version available here.

Lyn Sharkey Nutrition
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